It's tough having a sexy older sister.
Growing up, she was always the center of everyone's attention. She was perfect at everything she did and everybody wanted to be around her. Even when my friends came over to our house, they could never stop gawking at her despite my objections. My sister never did me any favors either, as she loved to lounge around the house in shorts and a tshirt for them to drool over.
Fast forward several years later; I was still living at home attending a local college, and my sister moved out to attend a far away university to experience something new in life.
She would always return home for the summer because she likes the heat where we live, and she always had the same routine. Tanning sessions in the morning was like therapy to her. She loved the sun and she loved hot weather. Neither of us expected for our relationship to change, but it did...
Exhibitionist Sister
It was early Monday morning, our parents were both at work, and it was another blazing hot day outside. All things considered, my older sister must have been tanning in the backyard as usual.
Spying on Ashley was never a proud moment for me. It was just something that happened over time. I always blamed it on her for flaunting her sexy body around during hot summer days. Last year was the final straw for me when she became accustomed to wearing small bikini when we were home alone together. Since then, I was hooked.
I got out of bed and my timing was perfect. There she was; laying on a beach blanket in our backyard. The sun was shining on her perfectly tanned skin, and she was completely oblivious to the fact that she was being spied on by her perverted younger brother.
Her body was completely sprawled. She wore a skimpy pink bikini along with thick sun glasses, and nothing else. Her earphones were on and her feet were moving along to the music she was listening to.
Any man would be completely aroused looking at a beautiful sight like that. I know I was.
Then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed it. Mr. Jenkins, our neighbor from the other side of our yard, was also watching my sister from his balcony.
'What the fuck?!' I thought to myself. 'Come on Ashley, that perverted neighbor of ours is looking right at you!'
My thoughts went unheard and she kept on laying there. I couldn't believe that a well respected member of our community and my former professor (from last semester) would be doing something like this. It was as if he was infringing on my territory. Spying on Ashley during her summer tanning sessions was my job, and my job alone.
Ashley wasn't making things any easier as she stretched her arms like she just woke up. Her arms and legs spread wide open like a butterfly and she moved them around. For the first time since I ever started spying on her, she reached to her chest and briefly massaged her breasts. It looked like she was simply adjusting her bikini, but if I didn't know any better, I'd say she was doing it out of pleasure.
She kept on massaging them in the open space of our backyard until she decided she had enough and headed back inside the house.
After I washed up for the morning, I came downstairs for breakfast. My sister was sitting by the kitchen counter top eating granola cereal and catching up on her favorite reality tv shows. On hot days when we were home alone, she never bothered to cover herself. She was still in her bikini.
"What's up sis?" I said playfully.
Her eyes stayed glued to the television as she ate. "Nothing much. I'm trying to figure out which side to root for. These women are nasty, I love it!"
My eyes quickly glossed over her tanned skin, and her legs which were sculpted from years of playing volleyball. I got my food and sat next to her as always.
"Whatever floats your boat."
"Hey, everyone is allowed a guilty pleasure every once and a while," she said. "By the way, I'm going out with my friends later. We're going to the beach."
"That's not a bad idea. I'm going out with friends also, but honestly, I think I'd rather hang out with your girlfriends. They always look good on hot days if you know what I mean."
She laughed, "Tank tops, shorts jeans, flip flops- yeah I know what you mean. They always dress for the occasion."
"So do you obviously," I said as I quickly looked at her.
"Did you just check me out?"
I turned my attention back to my food. "What? Don't get crazy."
"I know you were. I saw your eyes glance at my legs when you said that. You're not as slick as you think you are."
"Keep dreaming sis. That's gross. Besides, you're the one being inappropriate wearing a bikini inside the house. I mean, who does that besides you?"
A grin suddenly appeared on her face. "You know, I wasn't going to make a big deal about it, but I saw you peeping on me while I was tanning in the backyard. My sun glasses were on, but my eyes were wide open. So now who's the inappropriate one?"
"Jeez. You knew?"
She nodded. "Every time since last summer."
"Oh god," I groaned. "What did you expect? You're always showing off your body and you're the hottest girl in town. I'm not proud of doing it, but whatever."
"It's always fun making you squirm," she said with a mischievous smile. "You always get so uptight and nervous when you think you're about to get in trouble."
"Very funny. By the way, just so you know, I caught Mr. Jenkins spying on you today. I'm surprised you didn't notice him as well."
"Oh...well...I'll look out for that next time..."
She sounded unusually coy and I immediately figured out why.
"You knew that Mr. Jenkins was watching you, didn't you?" I asked directly. "That's why you're so tense all of a sudden."
Ashley squinted her eyes and gave me a mean look. "That's really none of your business. You shouldn't have been spying on me in the first place."
" smart & classy older sister is a secret exhibitionist huh?"
"Stop being so smug," she snapped. "I like showing off my body sometimes. So what?"
"Calm down sis," I replied gently. "I wasn't judging you or anything. I find it a little surprising, that's all."
"Fine. Sorry if I was starting to sound like a real bitch. But no one knows about this. You're the first person that I've admitted this to."
"About what? Your exhibitionist tendencies?"
She suddenly flashed a stern look. "Are you mocking me?"
"That came out wrong. I definitely wasn't mocking you."
"Good. And I don't want you thinking of me as some kind of dirty slut either. I work my ass off in school and I've been with less than 6 guys in my entire life. I'm a perfectly normal human being and I don't want you looking down on me."
"I don't think you're a slut at all," I replied. "We're all human beings and we all have our needs in certain areas. Trust me, I understand that more than anyone."
"Plus I think the whole exhibitionist thing is kind of hot," I playfully noted.
"You do?" she smiled. "And what exactly do you like about it?"
"I don't know. I guess I find it sexy when a woman knows exactly what she wants. You know, that she's in tune with her inner most desires. I've never really thought about why I like it, other than it fills the internet with tons of free nude pics."
She laughed, "That's definitely one benefit for men. But you're right about women knowing what they want. The same goes for male exhibitionists. People enjoy showing off and exposing themselves because of the rush that it gives. It's harmless and exciting. So why not?"
"You sound like you know a thing or two about other exhibitionists," I said with an eyebrow raised.
"Anything you want to share?"
She smiled, "Maybe...I might be a member of an internet forum with other similar-minded people."
I was caught off guard and I immediately wanted to know more. "Well aren't you going to tell me which website? I might have been there before."
Ring! Ring!
Her phone rang and she answered it. After a minute of talking, she hung up and turned her attention back towards me.
"I need to get going now," she said before putting her finger on my lips. "And remember, this conversation stays strictly between us. I don't want any of your nerdy friends knowing about this. Got it?"
I nodded to her while her finger still pressed tightly on my lip.
She winked. "Good."
With that said, she picked up her empty bowl and put it in the sink. My eyes stayed on her ass when she turned off the television and quickly headed up the stairs to get dressed.
The conversation we had was all I thought about for the rest of the day.
We had a nice family dinner that evening like we always did, and Ashley & I acted completely normal around each other. I wasn't sure if she was hiding the awkwardness between us or if she just carefree about the whole thing. It was always difficult to try and figure out her feelings because she was always happy and easy going about life.
I laid in bed that night wondering if we were ever going to continue our conversation. At the very least, I wondered if she was going to change her summer routine and the clothes she wore.
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